联系电话TEL 338173370,邮箱E-mail:15011514609@163.com
出生于 1986年 11月3日
毕业于 意大利卡拉拉国立美术学院,硕士学位。
2010 入选北京·房山-首届中国汉白玉雕刻创意大赛,作品《云. 眼》获得全国二等奖。
2014年,作品《五禽记》入选中国好雕塑“为宅雕塑” ·北京
2015 入选 卡拉拉学院 open day 联展,意大利.卡拉拉
2016 作品《脱掉外衣的尊重》入选 意大利库内奥 peano 基金会 城市雕塑计划方案。意大利
2016 作品 《傲心》入选卡拉拉 MARMO MAKING大理石艺术文化节展览。意大利
2017 任教于华人华侨联谊会,主教幼儿陶泥课程。
2017. 作品  《one day》入选 第一届米开朗基罗奖学金展览,意大利 
2017 作品 《nelly》参加 六人连展于pietransanta 画廊,意大利。
2019 在意大利 studio cavo di michelangelo 雕塑工作室实习,意大利卡拉拉。
Born on November 3, 1986
Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts in Carara, Italy, with a master's degree.
Now working and living in Beijing, Italy
In 2010, he won the first "Executing" Scholarship. The award is set up by artist Yu Gao, who awards two young art students every year and wins the prize for his work "Shade".
In 2010, he was selected as Beijing Fangshan - the first Chinese white jade sculpture creative competition, and his work "Cloud. Eye" won the second prize of the whole country.
In 2012, he worked as a sculpture designer in Beijing Conat Plastic Arts Company.
In 2014, the work "Five Birds" was selected as a good Chinese sculpture "For House Sculpture". Beijing
In 2015Enrolled in the Openday Joint Exhibition of Karara College, Carara, Italy
The 2016 work "Respect for taking off your coat" was selected as the urban sculpture project of the Cuneo Peano Foundation in Italy. Italy
The 2016 work "Pride" was selected for the exhibition of Marble Art and Culture Festival in Karala MARMO MAKING. Italy
2017. One Day was selected for the first Michelangelo Scholarship Exhibition, Italy.
The 2017 work "nelly" was exhibited by six people in Pietransanta Gallery, Italy.